Name: Feridun Ekmekci
Country: Turkey
About me: Academic staff member at the state university for 26 years, Mugla Vocational School, Electric and Energy Department. I am an open mind person who enjoys natural and cultural life, analytical thinking, using my bike for transport (which I have done so for over 30 years), teaching energy management and PV system, environmental protection, and seeking project funding. I am a long distance cyclist, certified bicycle policy auditor, the National Eurovelo Coordinator for Turkey, a charter member of ENVERCEVKO – Energy Efficiency and Environment Protection Association (head of the board), and a member of S4C – Scientists for Cycling of ECF. ENVERCEVKO is a member of ECF and an advisory board of a regional development agency. I have a keen interest in cycling tourism models, eco tourism and natural energy. Among the cycling tours I have completed is a trip from Munich, Germany, to Mugla, Turkey.
My daily exercise: Cycling from home to work. I live in a small town named Gulagzı near Mugla (10 km) and have cycled 5600 km from Gulagzı to the city centre of Mugla since September 2013 (approx 30 km daily). I rarely use my car.
My MOVE Week story: I first learned about MOVE Week last year. We organised two cycling events at Bodrum/Mugla and Uzundere/Erzurum with the Bodrum Cycling Club and Caglayan Culture, Science and Art Association. Bodrum is in southern Aegean region of Turkey. Uzundere/Erzurum is in eastern North of Turkey. We were almost 100 cyclists at each event. I followed the project and kept in contact with ISCA staff and now I am a national coordinator of MOVE Week. I think that this project is very influential and efficient.
+90 549 5821718 turkey.moveweek.eu