This is Kübra Nur Savaş. She has been studying in Dokuz Eylül University at the Department of English Language Teaching. She is really into research, sports, drama, dance, music and highly active in the field of youth work. Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is one of the organizations in which she is actively volunteering at local, national and international levels. Currently, she is the Team Coordinator of Permanent Team of Youth in “International Committe for Education” in ESN and leading her team for collecting data through surveys and research on current or previous collaborations of ESN with National Organisations or any other youth associations. She adores football, volleyball and dancing. She has been following and playing football since her childhood. In terms of volleyball, she was in the first string in the middle school and she has been playing it as a hobby since then. However dancing is, by far, her favorite hobby. Besides, she was a volunteer in ESN Joensuu (Finland) as both the Event Manager and Social Inclusion Manager. In all of the events that she initiated with the help of her team, they organized cultural, sporting and social events appropriate to inclusion and sustainability. For instance, in the ''ESN Barbeque&Socializing Event” or “ESN International Dinner Event” it was forbidden to bring plastic cutleries or bottles. Kübra shared the rule of bringing your own cutleries and bottles from home. This might be a small step but big things are accomplished by the sum of these small steps. Now, she is an active member of the Event Committee, PR Committee and Strategy Committee of ESN Dokuz Eylul University (Türkiye). It is clear that her experiences in these fields have given her a deep understanding of the importance of active youth participation, inclusiveness and the need for meaningful engagement opportunities for young people.
In addition to these, she is the National Coordinator of Move Week Türkiye and she organized different events such as “LET'S CYCLE FOR PICNIC IN INCIRALTI” and for No Evelators Day “No Elevators Day on Our Way to Karataş”. She is working as a project assistant in the highly active organization in Türkiye titled Energy Efficiency and Environmental Protection Association (ENVERÇEVKO) which is the first non-governmental organization of the board with the aim of carrying out environmentally friendly bicycle transportation and Energy efficiency in Transportation studies. From 23rd of June to 24th of June 2023, she attended “SPORT #WitoutWaste Capasity Building Event” organized by ENVERÇEVKO in Muğla, Türkiye. First day of the program was a seminar with all of the information about SWW and project writing; and the second day was about Cycling #WithoutWaste to discover Muğla, Türkiye with the group of participants. Also, with ENVERÇEVO she attended an Erasmus+ Youth Exchange organized in Lefkada, Greece to work on sustainability, social inclusion and climate change via their digital skills. Thanks to these experiences and her interest in these fields, she would love to take part in the “European School Sport Day” in İzmir, Antalya, Manisa, Denizli and Samsun.
+90 506 850 1233 turkey.moveweek.eu