Mehmet Turgay Yılmaz
National coordinator MOVE Week Turkey
Name: Mehmet Turgay Yılmaz
Country: Turkey
About me: I was born in 1982 at Mersin and I have a bachelor's degree in economics and econometrics from Dokuz Eylül University (İzmir / Turkey). I have nearly 20 years professional working life experience in insurance and reinsurance business. I have been working as Mersin branch manager of a private insurance/reinsurance brokerage company for 9 years. I am still living in Mersin. I am also active member of Mersin Biking Travellers Assosiation and commissioner of Tübidef. I also perform as an Argentine Tango Dancer and trainer. I am an oud learner and play oud unprofessionally, too.
Mehmet Turgay Yılmaz
National coordinator MOVE Week Turkey
(533) 616-6376 turkey.moveweek.eu
(533) 616-6376 turkey.moveweek.eu